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Autism/Asperger’s syndrome Counselling

Those who live with autism/Asperger’s syndrome often see the world in different ways than those who do not. Individuals who have autism/Asperger’s syndrome currently account for 1 in 100 of the general population, and this statistic means that individuals with the syndrome are in a minority.

We have seen over the years that any minority group is often misunderstood and frequently marginalised. However, being in a minority does not mean that the way autistic/Aspergic individuals think is wrong, it is simply a differing neurological profile.

At Action for Neurodiversity, we recognise the neurological difference, and endeavour to offer complete understanding of the autism/Asperger’s syndrome personality. 

Action for Neurodiversity utilises the skills of a number of qualified counsellors who also specialise academically and/or experientially in autism/Asperger’s syndrome counselling.

The model that is used by our charity has its roots in cognitive behavioural therapy and person-centred therapy but, importantly, also includes academic and/or experiential knowledge of autism and Asperger syndrome, along with awareness of sensory processing issues that pertain to autism/Asperger’s syndrome. It is the inclusion of this other knowledge about autism/Asperger’s syndrome and sensory processing that makes what our charity offers so unique.

Autism/Asperger’s syndrome-cognisant supervision, which is essentially an overseeing of their work by another, highly experienced counsellor, is also provided for all of our counsellors.