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Gifts in Wills

Gifts in Wills

Thank you for considering leaving Action for Neurodiversity a gift in your will. Leaving a gift in your Will is a way for your generosity to last beyond your own lifetime and it will help us to continue to deliver our vital autism-specialist counselling service to those people living with, and alongside, autism/Asperger’s syndrome who need us most.

Legacy Giving is the largest single source of income to UK charities and is completely free of inheritance tax.


Before you make any decisions about your will, it is important to speak to a qualified legal adviser who can give you help and advice. 


How to leave your legacy

If you would like to leave a gift in your Will to help autistic people and those close to them, we strongly recommend you that you speak to a solicitor to ensure that your wishes will be carried out as you intend.

You will need to take the following details with you:

(1) Our charity name

Action for Neurodiversity

(2) Our registered charity address

Autism-Specialist Counselling Centre, 9 Darwin House, Corbygate Business Park, Priors Haw Road, Corby, Northamptonshire, NN17 5JG

(3) Our registered charity number



Types of gifts in a will

You may decide to leave a specific sum of money. This is called a pecuniary gift.

Alternatively, you may wish to donate the remainder of your estate once your family and loved ones have been provided for. This is known as a residuary gift.

You may choose not to leave money at all, but instead you may choose to leave a specific gift which would be a specific item such as a painting or jewellery. Anything that’s of financial value to you. Usually, Action for Neurodiversity will look to sell items like this in order to raise much needed funds.


What happens with my legacy?

Legacies can be restricted (i.e., for a specific purpose) or unrestricted. If your legacy is unrestricted, Trustees of the Action for Neurodiversity will ensure that it is used where it is most needed. Where your gift is for a specific purpose, we are bound to use the funds exactly as specified.   


Further information and links

It is important to reiterate that you should always consult a legal advisor when thinking of doing anything with your will. Furthermore, whilst it is possible to write your will yourself, it can be a complicated process. There are certain conditions that must be met and things which must be included for your will to be valid. Therefore, it can be beneficial to use a solicitor or experienced will writer who can help ensure that everything as is as it should be, and your wishes can be carried out as you desire.

If you’re struggling to find a solicitor, the following websites may be useful: