PLEASE NOTE: We are not a crisis service. If you are in crisis and in need of immediate mental health support call NHS 111 option 2 or Samaritans on 116 123, text ‘SHOUT’ to 85258 or go to your nearest A&E department.

The donate button is now fully functioning again. Thank you for your patience while we worked with PayPal to resolve the issue.

Key pointers

Whether you’re setting yourself a challenge or organising some kind of event, there are some key pointers to consider:


  1. Set a date
    Choose a date (or date range if your challenge is planned to take place over a period) and time (where relevant/possible) for your challenge or event.

  1. Set a fundraising target
    Decide how much you want to raise and know that we, and the people we support, are grateful for every pound you raise.

  1. Create a fundraising page
    Action for Asperger’s in on JustGiving and Give as you Live Donate. You can also use Facebook to set up a fundraising page. Fundraising pages are a great way to advertise your challenge, get across your story and allow people to donate online from anywhere.

  1. Tell your story
    Stories resonate with people, so let people know what has driven you to want to raise money for Action for Asperger’s. If you make it more personal, it’s more likely to resonate – though of course only share what you are comfortable sharing.

      5. Spread the word 

  •   Word of mouth – tell your family and friends and get as many people involved as possible – whether it’s getting them involved in the actual event or      getting donations from them.

  •   Social media – Make use of the multiple available social media platforms to get the word out. Create a TikTok, post on Facebook or send a                    message on WhatsApp. Lots of possibilities!

  •   Email – Send an email out telling people about your fundraising. Encourage them to donate and share your fundraising page if you have one. You          could also add your fundraising page link to your email signature, so everyone you email sees it.

  •   Local media – Get in touch with your local newspapers and radio stations and ask them for a shout out. Maybe even see if there are any local TV          organisations that could help.
  1. Call in favours
    If you’ve got local contacts, you could try calling in some favours to get the job done. You could always try approaching people if there’s anything specific you want/need even if they aren’t already a contact. People are sometimes happy to help anyway when they learn it’s for a good cause.


  2. Don’t be afraid to use the old-fashioned methods
    Not everybody has access to a computer or is tech savvy. For people who may want to sponsor you, who for whatever reason aren’t able to access technology, consider downloading our sponsorship form and collecting that way too
  1. Be strategic
    Think about close family and friends and who may be willing to donate straightaway. If you have people you are pretty sure will be happy to donate, it is worth approaching them first. It always helps to have donations on your fundraising page or sponsor form when you start to promote your challenge/event as an empty page can be intimidating to some people.


  1. Update, update, update
    Throughout your challenge/event make sure to regularly update your fundraising page and your social media. Give news on any training/build up. Give updates on the actual challenge/event as you do it. Share any updates you think relevant along the way.


  1. Report on the challenge/event once it’s done
    It’s said that 20% of donations come in after the challenge/event has taken place. It’s therefore important to follow up with how you got on and maybe share photos/videos that you haven’t already shared. It’s also important to make sure you thank people for their support and donations.


Some guidelines and legal stuff

We really want you to have a great time with your fundraising and it’s really important to us that you are safe and that your fundraising is lawful.

As the organiser of an event, it is your responsibility to ensure everyone involved is as safe as possible so it’s important to plan ahead. Here’s a few things that could help you:

  1. Fundraising materials
    Any fundraising materials you use should say: In aid of Action for Asperger’s and clearly feature our Registered Charity Number which is 1148790. It is important to always use ‘in aid of’ and not ‘on behalf of’.


  1. Gift Aid
    Donating through Gift Aid means Action for Asperger’s can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give, and it will not cost you any extra. There are some things to be aware of in terms of when people can and can’t gift aid their donation, and what types of donations qualify for gift aid. Information on Gift Aid can be found here, on the Government website:
  1. Insurance and Risk Assessment
    You must make sure that any insurance policies required by law are in place.
    If you are planning an event which is open to members of the public, you will need Public Liability Insurance. However, check with the venue first, as they may already have insurance that covers your event. More details on this, and on licences and permits (see below) can be found at: You must also carry out a risk assessment if it is reasonable to do so. Details on event safety can be found at:
  1. Licences and Permits
    Always check rules on licensing and permits where relevant. It’s your responsibility to ensure you have the correct licences and/or permits to cover your event. Below are some general guidelines and if you’re unsure of anything you can check with your local authority who will be able to guide you on whether you need anything.

You need a Temporary Event Notice if you want to carry out these licensable activities on unlicensed premises:

  • selling alcohol
  • serving alcohol to members of a private club
  • providing entertainment, such as music, dancing, or indoor sporting events
  • serving hot food or drink between 11pm and 5am

 Your local council should have more information about temporary event notices.