PLEASE NOTE: We are not a crisis service. If you are in crisis and in need of immediate mental health support call NHS 111 option 2 or Samaritans on 116 123, text ‘SHOUT’ to 85258 or go to your nearest A&E department.

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Our Client Representative

It can be a big step to seek out help and finding yourself on our webpage might feel a bit daunting. That’s where our client representative comes in. Our client representative is here to help if you are looking for a quick friendly chat or are unsure if counselling might be for you and you would like to explore your options before proceeding. Our client representative is not a counsellor. However, they are somebody who has had their own challenges and has also been a client and knows how things are from that perspective.

Our client representative is Sonia Owen

Sonia has been involved with Action for Neurodiversity (AfN) for around 10 years now. She came to AfN initially as a client following her diagnosis with Asperger’s syndrome at the age of 26. As her mental health improved, she stepped back from being a client and instead started volunteering. 

In addition to Asperger’s syndrome, Sonia lives with depression and Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) which she has lived with since she was a teenager. She was also diagnosed with ADHD of the inattentive type in 2019.

As a result of all she lives with, Sonia has been through many ups and downs and faced her fair share of hurdles. As well as her own lived experience, Sonia also has experience of living with and supporting somebody else with autism. This gives her insight into, and understanding of, the challenges that can come from living with or alongside autism, ADHD, depression and/or anxiety and she never shies away from answering questions about any of her diagnoses or her counselling experience

Sonia says:

“With my various diagnoses I understand the challenges they bring – both as someone living with them and as somebody supporting others living with one or more of them. Furthermore, having had counselling myself, I understand how daunting it can be to think about entering that process and opening yourself to somebody. With my experiences, I am well placed as a port of call if you’re looking for a quick friendly chat or want to explore your options.”

If you would like to talk to Sonia, you can email her on:

 [email protected]g