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Teen Counselling Project

Action for Neurodiversity has received some funding recently, enabling us to commence our “Teen Counselling Project”. What this means is that we can offer some FREE sessions to autistic teens in need who wish to be seen in-person in our Corby, Northamptonshire, premises on a Wednesday morning each week.

Our long serving counsellor Jemima Gee will be heading the project. Jemima is a fully qualified BACP registered counsellor, with over 7 years of experience in counselling young people and teens. She specialises in working with ASC and ADHD, anxiety, and depression. 

Jemima says:

“Young people have a lot to cope with and can sometimes feel very isolated and alone in dealing with some difficult feelings and issues. I feel that my patient, non-judgemental, friendly, and calm manner gives young people a confidential space to trust and open up about things that are on their minds.  Being listened to and heard is something that young people need.  I work with young people to help them to get to know and understand themselves better.  I can help by building their self-esteem; recognising their worth and developing their confidence is an empowering process.  Teenagers have lots of changes and transitions which they must undergo.  Some of the issues I deal with are bullying, self-harm, gender and sexual identity, friendship issues, self-esteem, depression, and anxiety”.

Jemima is also a mother of 3 grown up children and has experience of Asperger’s and ADHD within her family unit, so understands from a familial perspective, as well as understanding from a counselling perspective. Those she has worked with feel that she “gets” them.

To book your teenager’s free appointment contact Jemima direct on:

[email protected]

Jemima Gee - Counsellor heading the project